Tour de France Stage 11 – Data and Stats
Find average mileage, distance evolution, types of stage, winners and more data and stats of Tour de France Stage 11.
Find average mileage, distance evolution, types of stage, winners and more data and stats of Tour de France Stage 11.
Find average mileage, distance evolution, types of stage, winners and more data and stats of Tour de France Stage 10.
Find distance evolution, types of stage, winners and more data and stats of Tour de France Stage 9.
Find distance evolution, types of stage, winners and more data and stats of Tour de France Stage 8.
Find average miles, distance evolution, types of stage, winners and more data and stats of Tour de France Stage 7.
Find average distance, miles evolution through the years, types of stage, winners and more data and stats of Tour de France Stage 6.
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Tour de France stage 3 is usually a flat stage, long and with a sprinter win.
Discover how long does it take to bike 2 miles and how the bike, weather and speed affects the final time